A spot in Venice passed down over decades through a community of artists, photographers, craftspeople, teachers, students, oftentimes a refuge for people getting back on their feet— with a deep history of good memories from when the world was just a little younger, the evidence seen in the vestiges of concrete infrastructure and dappled shade of old trees and tall Victor Newcomer cacti, and felt in the warm smiles of the chatty passersby. The creaky old house converted from a horse stable is gone now, succeeded by a funky prefab sitting back from the street, those students now all grown up with a small family. The design for the front garden takes care of itself— a fire pit and rocks surrounded by soft grasses for gatherings, pollinators, a bit of screening from the street— but not so much that it seals out the neighborhood, a few nooks and crannies for a young toddler to explore, and a young sycamore, a hopeful gift to the next generation.

DGSpiky Opuntias
A forlorn potted OtateaBoulders
Vintage Victor Newcomer Echinopsis pachanoi, Spineless Opuntias, Dasylirions and Agaves
Irrigation,A Sycamore, an Arbutus Marina, White Sage, Cleveland Sage, Tagetes lemmonii, Yarrow, Leymus ‘Canyon Prince’, and Bay Laurels,
with a little California Native No Mow Mix from seed.