A steep, ivy-choked hillside front yard is transformed into a meadow garden the size of a small universe, much of it planted from seed sown in the fall. It takes awhile, but eventually sprouts after a torrential December, bringing joy to its inhabitants and neighbors, human and otherwise, in the spring. PELOHA

A monoculture of Ivy,Invasive wild oats and rye,
Sticks of Fire
mature Euphorbias, Dasylirion,Rocks and Logs
Irrigation, Leymus, Carex, Salvias, Zauschnerias, Monkey flowers, and some Acacia iteaphyllas from pots with Lupinus succulentus, Lupinus microcarpus ‘Ed Gelding’, Clarkias, California poppies, Collinsia heterophylla, Penstemons, tidy tips, and Festuca idahoensis from seed.BEFORE...